One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the BS in Environmental Science Degree

Why Study Environmental Science at Cedarville?

你是否热衷于通过学习和沙巴体育科学来荣耀你的造物主? 雪松镇的基督教环境科学专业, 你会越来越感激上帝是创造者,并学会成为他创造的好管家, preparing you for a satisfying career.

环境科学课程为科学提供了广泛的准备, equipping you for careers in wildlife biology and 保护, environmental restoration, soil and water management, 和环境 education, or for successful entry into graduate school.

你将进一步发展你的圣经基础和管理实践,课程将圣经真理融入科学. With an environmental science degree from Cedarville, 毕业后,你就可以把信仰和实践有机地结合起来, 通过你的工作来荣耀神,因为你学习和关心他的创造.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?


Environmental Science Program Highlights

Broad Preparation — 你将根据你的专业兴趣和目标,与你的环境科学学术顾问合作,定制你的专业. 我们强调五个核心领域的发展为我们所有的学生在该计划:内容知识, 科学 过程, the nature of science, 批判性思维, 和管理工作, exposing you to a broad biological background.

Big Opportunities — 沙巴体育的独特定位是提供“大大学”的课程和经验,同时保留了一所小学校的感觉, where your professor and adviser know you personally. Cedarville University is a sustaining partner of Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies that widens the scope of our curriculum. Several travel study/study abroad options are also available.

Field-Based Experience -您将获得使用最先进的设备进行现场和实验室沙巴体育的实践经验. 您还将受益于每个专业领域的专用实验室以及各种各样的“领域” 包括一个40英亩的草原恢复,湿地恢复,雪松湖和  The Campus Arboretum. 最上层的 课程包括一个扩展的实地考察,研究独特的生态系统,如沿海沼泽, 沙丘, and diverse forests.

Cedarville University Arboretum


生物学 and Life Science Program Options

如果你对在沙巴体育学习生物学和生命科学感兴趣, but you’re not sure which major is right for you, 我们创建了一个有用的资源来比较我们的四种选择,以帮助你做出最终决定.

What Can You Do With a BS in Environmental Science Degree?

环境科学专业的学生有各种各样的专业机会, as “environmental science” covers so many professions. About half of our graduates work in a government agency (from local to federal), 另一半在私营企业或环境教育部门工作. 大约三分之一的毕业生继续读研究生, 所有追求这一选择的人都已被接受并正在努力, or have completed, their graduate degree.

最常见的职业道路是野外生态学家, wildlife biologists, park naturalists and educators, environmental scientists in industry, various positions in museums and zoos, and graduate school.

研究生和专业项目以及雇主每年都欢迎沙巴体育的毕业生. 重要的是要注意,一些专业的职业领域可能需要额外的教育, 经验, 和/或在完成雪松维尔大学本科学位之后获得的许可证.


We're proud of our successful graduates! 98.工程与计算机科学学院的应届毕业生中有1%在毕业后六个月内就业或进入研究生院. Check out Cedarville's other placement rates.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

Student Organizations — 学生组织可以让你结识志同道合的同学和专业人士.

  • 土地形式: 一个由对环境管理感兴趣的学生组成的校园团体, 保护, and outdoor recreation.
  • Omega Tau Kappa: For students interested in environmental science education.
  • 大与小 is for students who are interested in veterinary medicine. 这个学生组织帮助学生为兽医领域的高等教育做准备.
  • 生物学俱乐部 is for students interested in any aspect of biology. 这个学生组织强调网络和社区服务.

全球推广 (GO) — At 我们知道这个世界的精神和物质需求是巨大的. 传教士的孩子在我们的项目中有很强的代表性,因为他们亲眼目睹了这些需求. 我们的许多学生在科学(农业、 土壤和水),以及在海外服务的预期任务课程. Dr. 马克·加塔尼(马克Gathany)曾带领学生团队前往秘鲁安第斯山脉,分发新翻译的克丘亚圣经,并前往斯威士兰进行医疗宣教. 我们也 与环境使命代表威克里夫建立了关系, 撒马利亚人的钱包, and Christar for students to make connections with and serve.


Au Sable Institute of Environmental Science

Our unique partnership with the Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies complements your coursework with exciting adventures.

Program Curriculum

Building on your core liberal arts and Bible minor courses, you will complete a core set of environmental science courses.  这一系列课程包括生物学、地质学和环境科学. Your core coursework will prepare and direct 你可以选择一个研究方向,比如动物和野生动物生物学, plant and agricultural science, 分子生态学, 地质, 地理空间, 或者是一个跨学科的课程,目的是为你的下一个职业步骤做准备.

This major offers an accelerated bachelor's-to-master's pathway for students interested in pursuing their MBA.


  • Environment: Science, Sustainability, and Stewardship
  • Principles of Geographic Information Systems

Program Format and 相关的项目

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

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From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement


Photo of 马克Gathany


Professor of 生物学


Photo of Michael Mendel

Michael Mendel, PhD

Professor of 生物学


Photo of Bob Paris


Professor of 生物学

